Past Committee photos.
If anyone has any other past Committee photos can you please email with details to Thank you.
There are also a few people that I dont know.. If you do know them please email me with date of picture and who the person is. Thank you.
Please note: Not all the people in some of the photos shown are Committee Officers.

Back L-R ?, Evelyn Cooper, Glen Fitzgerald, Rosemary Lee Oldfield, Robyn Hodder
Front L-R Judy Williams, John Flintoff, Bev Birkett, Helen Hanson, Lisa Ross

Evelyn Cooper ? Judy Williams, John Flintoff, Bev Birkett, Robyn Hodder, Rosemary Lee-Oldfield, Cheryl Goble, Helen Hanson

Back L-R Evelyn Cooper, Ann Davey, Judy Williams, Rosemary Old Field, Bev Birket, ?
Front L-R Noeline Jeffries, Cheryl Goble Helen Hanson, Donna Harley, ?

Back L-R Evelyn Cooper , Ann Davey, Sheryl Goble, Robin Hennah, Colleen McGuinness, ? John Flintoff , Bev Birket , Judy Williams
Front L-R Noeline Jeffries , Jean Fitzgerald, Donna Harley

Back L-R Evelyn Cooper, Jean Fitzgerald, Sheryl Goble Glenda Schumacher,Rosemary Oldfield, Bev Birket, Christine Christian, Judy Williams
Front L-R Noeline Jeffries, John Flintoff, Donna Harley, Helen Hanson

Back L-R Judy Williams, Donna Harley, Heather Cooper,Glenda Schumacher, Noeline Jeffries, Bev Birket, Helen Hanson Rosemary Old Field, Vicky Sidal, Evelyn Cooper
Front L-R John Moore, Andrea Parker, Christine Christian

Back L-R Heather Cooper, Judy Williams, Glenda Schumacher, Rosemary Oldfield, Mark Kingston-Smith , Vicky Siddal,
Front L-R Andrea Parker, Noeline Jeffries, Donna Harley, Christine Christian, Marylin, Evelyn Cooper

Back L-R Vicky Siddal, Heather Cooper, Judy Williams, Christine Christian, Bev Birket, Rosemary Lee Oldfield, Noeline Jeffries, Glenda Schumacher

E Cooper, Bev Birket, Noeline Jefferies, Stephanie Bullock, Denise Brown, Kerry Brackstone, Barry Adams, Tracey Macdonald, Rosemary Lee-Oldfield, Vicky Siddal, Judy Williams, Christine Christian

Back L-R Heather Cooper, Rosemary Lee Oldfield, Judy Williams, Jane Berry, Christine Christian, Evelyn Cooper, Jan Mossman , Christina Asplin
Front L-R Denise Brown, Bev Birket,

Back L-R Judy Williams, Jane Berry, Christine Christian, Denise Brown, Simone O’Connor, Heather Cooper,
Front L-R Noeline Jeffries, Bev Birket, Glenda Schumacher, Rosemary Lee Oldfield

Back L-R Simone O’Connor, Jane Berry, Heather Cooper, Denise Brown, Roz Muir, Judy Williams, Bev Birket
Front L-R Rosemary Lee Oldfield, Christine Christian, Noeline Jeffries,

Left side Back Heather Cooper, Noeline Jeffries, Bev Birkett , Claire Norton.
Right side back Rosemary Lee Oldfield, Judy Williams, Vicky Siddall,Christine Christrian, Denise Brown