
  1. Get permission. Check if permission is required from landowners before heading out. Access to private land is a privilege, not a right.The local Riding Club, regional council, city council will probably know who owns the land.
  2. If riding in a group, and you have inexperienced riders with you, always consider this rider’s ability. A “hoon” up a hill or over a nice large paddock is always fun for an experienced rider, but an “out of control bolt” is terrifying for a beginner.
  3. On longer rides, or with larger groups, make sure that someone in your group is carring a First Aid kit, and is trained in First Aid. (Some horse clubs can arrange these courses for their members.) A cell phone can be a usefull aid in an emergency to call for help for your group or others in trouble who you may find on your ride.
  4. Always inform someone of your plans, including location, route, number in group, and your intended time of return.

Respect Others

  1. Always give way to others. Even if it seems inconvenient, being considerate will foster a positive attitude towards horse riders. Move aside if you encounter walkers or bikes.
  2. Pass walkers with care. Avoid startling walkers. If you suspect that this will happen, call out a greeting as you approach. Use this opportunity to improve public profile of horse riders.
  3. Dont upset livestock. Give animals a chance to get out of your way. Always leave farm gates as you find them. If you’re riding at a distance from others in your group, dont assume that riders following you will know to close a gate you that you left open for you. Make sure that the gate gets closed. Be prepared to be excluded from farmland due to lambing time, usually from July to October.