John with Christine on left and Jane and Sandy at NITE 2017


John was a passionate advocate for the NZRC and envisaged it being available to all, no matter what horse they rode or their circumstances. He became National President at the AGM at Amberley Park Auckland after Scal Sweetman and Patron following the death of Brian Pyke, in 1986.

He attended every AGM until declining health prevented this and then maintained his interest through e-mails. Likewise NITE competitions were supported and he often did some judging for the Housekeeping and Uniformity Award.  In 1996 he donated the Quadrille Artistic Content Trophy for NITE.

In 1991 he was presented with a Life Membership badge at the National AGM in Taupo.                                                  

John joined the Wanganui Riding Club in the1982/3 season in the early days of the NZRC which was established in November 1980.  He found his special horse, a chestnut gelding called Rusty, after several attempts trying less suitable horses.    He rode mainly for Pleasure but did go to the Waverley Hunt, a McIntosh Riding Course and gained his first red ribbon at the Waverley (Carlyle) A & P Show. He gained Level 1 and 2 NZRC Proficiency Certificates under the watchful eye of Brian Pyke. Rusty did participate in one NITE event at Lichfield but was ridden by Sandy (John’s wife)

In 1989 they moved to Taranaki and John was asked to help the fledgling New Plymouth Riding Club grow and move forward, and later the Opunake Club had his guidance and help. He retained a very strong interest in all activities until the end. Thank you John for all your many contributions and super long association with the NZRC at all levels.