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Please note that the site will be a work in progress so we need your input. We would like to add your club to the “maps” so people can find you. I need your clubs’ name, town that the club operates from, the Secretary and Presidents names, or contact persons name and their contact details, email or phone. A short profile of your club would be awesome as well, so we can all get to know each other better. E.G club history, numbers, rally days, what members in your club like to do, trekking, dressage, jumping etc. Do you welcome visitors? have show days? Photos are a great way to advertise what your club is about and brings your club to life for others. Please get members permission first if you send me photos (Im assuming that you have permission as Im not going to be finding each person to get their permission, just dont have the time) A link to your Newsletter, Facebook page and Club Website can be added as well.
I would also welcome your input in the Events Calendar. Does your club hold Open days or Gymkhanas, Jumping days, anything you would like to invite other people to. Send me the details and I will add them for you. Free advertising!! Please send me feedback on what you think and what you would like added to the NZRC website.
This website is your website and I welcome input from Clubs. As time goes on, I can see it growing into a great connecting space. The possibilities are endless…let us grow together. Heather can be contacted at nzrclibrarian@gmail.com


Waimarino Riding Club

Dannevirke Social Riding Club

Taupo Adult Riding Club

Thames Valley Adult Riding Club

Dunstan Adult Riding Club

New Plymouth & Districts Riding Club

Cromwell Riding Club