New Zealand Equestrian Advocacy Network Incorporated

The New Zealand Equestrian Advocacy Network Incorporated was set up to improve the safety and wellbeing of all New Zealand riders and their horses, through the promotion and preservation of recreational horse-riding tracks, trails and pathways in New Zealand’s public spaces.

We believe that every person in New Zealand who wishes to ride a horse for recreation should be able to identify and have safe access to public places where this is permitted. 

We want to create a legacy for future generations of horse riders.

Walking Access NZ

Access to New Zealand’s lakes, beaches, rivers and mountains is at the heart of our Kiwi way of life. The beauty and diversity of our landscapes enrich and inspire us, and having access to these places is part of New Zealand’s culture and heritage.

The New Zealand Walking Access Commission is the Crown entity that plays a lead role in protecting this heritage by promoting free, certain, enduring and practical access to the outdoors. We work to strengthen the links between rural and urban New Zealand by identifying publicly accessible land, providing information about public access rights and responsibilities, assisting with dispute resolution and facilitating new opportunities for people to access and enjoy the great outdoors.

NZ Bridleways

Find Your Ride

New Zealand’s largest listing of places to ride your horse.

We list public horse riding spaces – horse trails, shared trails, bridleways and parks – bringing information from DOC, Local and Regional Councils and local riders into a single website.

NZ Horse Network

Join us now to help protect, and promote New Zealand’s horse heritage and culture.   NZ Horse Network is an umbrella organisation for a network of smart, well connected equestrians who want fair access to community resources. Our role is to help all individuals, groups or clubs, by providing resources, and sharing success stories.